This month marks the 35th anniversary of Campaign Life, the political arm of the pro-life movement in Canada. It is, in many ways, a joyful milestone: a testament to the tireless work, on behalf of the unborn, of Campaign Life’s – and then Campaign Life Coalition’s – many supporters across the country, and to their self-sacrifice and generosity of which has enabled this campaign for life to continue for so long. Blessed Mother Teresa often said, “give until it hurts,” and those who enable and enact this important work have certainly done so, year after year.
The joy of this anniversary, however, must be mixed with a certain sadness: the pro-life movement’s important work should not be necessary at all, but our culture contracted an insanity born of selfishness, ignoring the incontestable fact of unborn human life in its mad quest for limitless pleasure under the aegis of fictitious rights. Abortion is the guillotine of the sexual revolution; and someday this terror, too, will end.
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last” (Jn 15:16). Until the world comes to its senses, the campaign for life continues; until the sacred foundation of society – the family – is no longer menaced, the essential work of (now) Campaign Life Coalition will go on. On this important anniversary, we at The Interim warmly congratulate Campaign Life and are proud to work zealously towards the dream of justice which we share. Until the realization of this dream, we hunger and thirst with them for justice, longing for our eventual satisfaction. And, for the countless Canadian children who will never be born, we mourn, awaiting our comfort – and working while we wait.