The Interim newspaper is organizing a contest in which readers will be invited to guess the identity of various pro-life

personalities done up in caricature.

Beginning next issue, a series of three prominent pro-lifers will appear in cartoon form on the pages of The Interim. The
personalities may come from the local, national or international pro-life stage. Personalities from the past will also be featured.

Readers who correctly identity each of the personalities and send their correct responses to The Interim, will be eligible for a
small prize.

The contest will likely run over the next several months.

The Interim has enlisted the aid of artists Patrick Domagala and Pauline Zoltynski for this contest. Their work has already
appeared in the newspaper, usually on the page four editorial cartoon space.

The contest was inspired in part by artist Domagala’s caricature of the 16 Ontario pro-lifers who face a lawsuit in connection
with the Ontario government’s injunction against pro-life demonstrations.

Domagala’s drawing is frequently seen around the Campaign Life Coalition offices, and it continues to serve as an inspiration for
the pro-life community in its effort to have the charges and the lawsuit dropped. Watch these pages for more details of the
identify-the-pro-lifer contest.