With LifeChain demonstrations at 187 locations across Canada, it is estimated that millions of Canadians saw the peaceful, pro-life witness on Sept. 30. Reports from across the country, in B.C. and Newfoundland and points in between, indicate that the number of participants – as well as the number of locations – is growing.Tens of thousands of pro-lifers held signs for one hour that said, “Abortion kills children,” “Abortion Harms Women,” “Adoption the loving option,” and “Jesus forgives and heals.”

Most organizers commented that in recent years, passers-by providing positive feedback has outnumbered those that show their disapproval.

As Campaign Life Coalition noted in its November newsletter, “At a time when few politicians want to raise the issue and the mainstream media enforce a code of silence around abortion, LifeChain is one of the most visible and effective ways to get Canadians to think about the issue.”