For several days I could not make up my mind if it was a good or bad day.  I now know that it was good!

Good because the Lord showed us again: “I am with you always.”

That morning, at about the same time as the three abortionists were taken into custody, some 25 pro-lifers started their two-and-a-half-hour trip to Toronto to “witness for life.”  Thank you, Strathroy and Simcoe people for your faithfulness.

Henry Morgentaler, Robert Scott, who operates his own killing place on Gerard Street, and Nikki Colodny – the “new” abortionist on Harbord Street, were arrested at their homes, and later taken to court.  Praise the Lord!  He heard our prayers.  Surely the long-awaited bail conditions would stop them from continuing their grisly work and we could go home?

Our good day turned to bad when we realized that we were witnessing a charade.  The abortionists were released and went back to work the very same day.  Charges were stayed by the head of our “justice” system, Ian Scott.  Basically, it means that nothing is done until the Supreme Court’s decision.

It was very humiliating – to say the least – to see Morgentaler sport his victory sign and hear his famous blurb on “proper medical care for women.”

The worst thing for me was to realize that all our hopes that the abortuary would be closed before the winter are now gone!  Another winter has to be faced.  A very selfish reason, I have to admit, and I am ashamed of it.  We should be doing the Lord’s work happily and without concern for our own comfort.

That is when the day started to be good again.  We have work to do!  On three occasions last week we had a strong indication that a young mother went home after having been approached by pro-life counselors.  Dan brought one frightened mother to Rosalie Hall, where she now awaits the birth of her baby.

Do you know?

One young father admitted that he wished that he had spoken to me before his girlfriend went in.  He assured me that he would help her now and that he would never let it happen again.

I had a long conversation with another man (seemingly without any result).  Later, he made an effort to talk to me while I was eating my lunch.  “Lady, I thought about it and changed my mind.  Can I have some of your stuff…”  He made my day!

Did you know

  • Some 1500 people walk, bike and drive by every hour?
  • An average of 10 people stop and talk?
  • Morgentaler does not have a full appointment book?
  • The staff is obviously bothered by our continued presence?

Do you also know that our main objectives are

  • To stop the killing of unborn children and save their mothers from physical and psychological harm?
  • To witness to the sacredness of human life?
  • To increase public access awareness of the immediate and illegality of 85 Harbord Street?

The media is conspiring to make us look bad in the eyes of the public and our fellow pro-lifers so that a division is created.  They seem to be succeeding.

Do you also know that some people drive in from as far away as Windsor, Kingston, Goderich, London, Chatham – yes, even from Ottawa, North Bay and Cornwall.  Buses come from Durham County, North Halton Right to Life, Barrie, Tottenham, Peterborough, Port Perry, Cambridge, Caledonia, Simcoe, Collingwood and Oakville to be a witness for life.

Why not you?

Small children at home?  Can you swap baby sitting with a friend.  Come on – you have done that before!

Work full time?  What about in your holiday – 1 day a year.  After work or on weekends.

Not your thing?  The only reason I understand.  It’s not my thing either.  Sacred?  Ask a friend to go along, or try a group.

Need more education?  Come to one of our cottage meetings or even better host one.  A cottage meeting is an unofficial gathering in someone’s home.  Coffee and dessert will be served.  I can come and show a film – The Silent Scream for instance – and we can talk about the matters that concern us and above all, what can be done about it!

For more information, call Campaign Life office (416) 204-9749.  Leave your name and phone number and I will call you back.

Please continue to pray for all who are involved, especially on Monday mornings at 7:30, a time which we have set aside for a special petition to the Lord.