Fredericton – In May of this year, the Catholic St. Thomas college in Fredericton, N.B., bestowed an honorary degree on Dalton Camp, a native of New Brunswick.  Mr. Camp is pro-abortion and a secular cynic.  His recent column “Save us from politicians who extol ‘family values’” (Toronto Star, June 7) argues that religious values have no place in politics.

London – At the end of May the Centre for Social Concern at the Catholic King’s College, University of Western Ontario, organized a “social justice” conference to which union leaders and feminists were invited, including Judy Rebick, the former Morgentaler spokeswoman and present head of NAC, the radical National Action Committee for Women.

Despite protests from pro-lifers that Rebick’s message is contrary to social justice and the right and dignity of women as Christians understand it, Catholic authorities, including the head of the diocesan Social Justice Commission, Sister Frances Ryan, and London’s Bishop John Sherlock, defended the Centre’s choice of Rebick.

Rebick spoke at the banquet and participated in three workshops.