The November issue of Flare magazine ran an ad for Julius Schmid condoms (on page 58) which pictured a baby and labeled it a “mistake.” Printing a photograph of innocent healthy newborns and labeling them “mistakes” is a blatant promotion of the anti-life philosophy of the pro-abortionists. The last issue of the advertisement copy even suggests that an unwanted pregnancy is a “big mistake.”
This is exactly the kind of trendy and deadly propaganda that helps to convince women that they should have an abortion if they find themselves pregnant unexpectedly.
Flare magazine is a MacLean-Hunter publication that sells for $1.50 on newsstands and in Dominion Stores. They publish monthly (11 copies in 1984) and their circulation is 217,000. Flare is estimated to have 850,000 readers per month.
Flare began five years ago as Miss Chatelaine but changed its name in September 1979. With the name change came a change in the target market from the teenager to the 18-34 year old “working woman.”
Protest to …
You may wish to protest this explicit portrayal of the unborn as unwanted in advertisements. The editor of Flare is Bonnie Hurowitz and Donna M. Scott is the publisher. They can be contacted at Flare magazine, The MacLean-Hunter Building, 777 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5W 1A7, telephone (416) 596-5453.
You could send a copy of your letter to Flare, or another protest letter, to the company promoting their products in this fashion. Contact: Mr. M. Black, President Julius Schmid Canada, 34 Metropolitan Road, Scarborough, Ontario M1R 2T8, telephone (416) 292-9455.