The situation in Parliament is volatile. It is quite possible that an election will be called between the time we put this paper to bed and the time you receive it. So we remind you simply of your obligation to vote pro-life and pro-family on election day. While there are other important issues, none are as important or as urgent as restoring protection for the unborn, defending the vulnerable from euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide and upholding traditional values including the opposite-sex definition of marriage.

We remind pro-life Canadians to look beyond party labels and leaders and consider each candidate on his or her merits. In previous elections, there have been pro-life candidates in all parties and surely, this election will be no different. We stress that protecting the sanctity of human life is not a partisan issue and that the only way we will pass legislation that restricts abortion or recognizes the uniqueness of traditional marriage is to elect MPs that share our views on these issues.

It is said that many politicians don’t care about the abortion issue, or work to keep it legal, because the unborn do not vote. But we do and can enfranchise the unborn and give them a voice on election day by working to elect pro-life and pro-family MPs.

For daily news coverage of the campaign, and for answers to Campaign Life Coalition questionnaires, visit the website