On May 29, Campaign Life hosted a special screening of Dr. Bernard Nathanson’s film. Eclipse of Reason, for the press, members of the clergy, and politicians.
Eclipse of Reason is the sequel to the Silent Scream and deals with late abortions – those performed beyond the 12th week of pregnancy.
Dr. Nathanson, a gynecologist/obstetrician from New York, has become a strong voice for the unborn ever since his work with fetal research caused him to abandon his pro-abortion stand and join in the fight for life. Because he is a qualified medical practitioner, the scientific truths portrayed in his films are indisputable, and his work has gained much recognition. And because his arguments are rooted in truth, and presented with clear, concise articulation, it is not surprising that his films on abortion are very powerful.
Late abortions, says Nathanson, are “the cruel and heartless destruction of a viable baby…” He calls Eclipse of Reason “a plea for the amnesty of the unborn child.”
With the help of intrauterine photography, the dismemberment of a five-month-old, unborn child – a procedure most commonly referred to as a D & C (dilation and evacuation) – is witnessed by viewers. The victim is not the clump of tissue abortionists would have us believe, but rather, it is a perfectly formed, easily identifiable baby. Nor is it only “3 inches long” as Niki Colodny, Morgentaler’s sidekick claims.
No words can express the horror one feels watching this film, yet the most alarming thought is that the mother, together with the support of doctors and nurses, has “chosen” this barbaric alternative to giving her child life.
Eclipse of Reason is a disturbing move. It makes people uncomfortable. Syndicated columnist Cal Thomas calls it “gruesome, gory and graphic…and…too powerful to ignore. It is the ultimate persuader for anyone with enough honesty to confront the question it raises.”
The media were far from interested in the opportunity to view this film, judging by the numbers in attendance. The Toronto Star was wholly un-represented. Notably absent were Toronto’s feminist columnists, Lois Sweet, Doris Anderson and Laura Sabie. The Toronto Sun, and City TV did mange to send representatives.
The Globe and Mail was represented, but they were only able to find room for brief and biased coverage, the review of the film was relegated to their back pages in the Births and Death section. Dr. Nathanson’s letter to the Globe straightening out the reviewer was subsequently published, heavily edited.
Judging from the poor attendance of our media, it appears that Dr. Nathanson is quite correct in noting that Canadian journalists would be more comfortable working for Pravda than for the “so-called free press.” The Canadian media, he says, “is the ideological servitude to the abortion apologists.” This claim is substantiated by the cursory attention accorded this film by all Toronto newspapers.
Sadly though, the press is not the only culprit. Only 15 Toronto politicians showed up. Consider that invitations to the screening were sent out to all MPPs. MPs, Aldermen and public and private school board trustees!
The clergy were among the only enthusiasts. Many denominations were represented. But, as Nathanson pointed out, “I’m singing to the choir.”
So, those most in need of “education,” and able to make a difference within our government, were the very persons absent from the screening. That the press and leaders of our country are so blatantly unwilling to listen to the cries for justice for the unborn, is truly an eclipse of reason.