Halifax – The new leader of the Liberal Party in Nova Scotia is Dr. John Savage, mayor of Dartmouth.  He is described as a “Welsh-Irish Catholic doctor with seven children.”

Savage opposes abortion on moral and religious grounds, but does not want to “impose his own moral views on anyone else.”  Needless to say Dr. Savage has no hesitation “imposing” his other views on the voters.

Since the sixties, Savage has done his best to impose Planned Parenthood’s views.  He was a founding member of Planned Parenthood Halifax and is an ardent supporter of PP’s philosophy and sex education.  In the early seventies he organized marriage courses for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Halifax and gave them a PP emphasis.

Like many another politician, therefore, Dr. Savage is a walking contradiction and on abortion another “Catholic but … politician.”  He is not known as one willing to be educated or to change his mind.