Linda Gibbons:
Special to The Interim
Editor’s Note: This letter, dated Oct. 1, was received from Linda Gibbons, by Campaign Life Coalition on Oct. 7. It was sent from the Vanier Centre for Women in Milton, Ont., and came with an accompanying note calling it “two pages of court reflections.”

Linda Gibbons with the sign she witnesses with, “Why mom? When I have so much love to give.”
Dear Campaign Life friends,
Thank you for your indefatigable and invigorating presence in court. Impressive! I grow stronger by your gladsome presence in the benches. You, as guardians of life, bring to court a sense of respect for life.
The court is in session and the evil triumvirate regime rules. Kathleen Wynne’s contrived provincial law, the Crown’s self-declared authority – “this beast has one head” and that serpent head bows its head to the death mill on Hillsdale Ave making it a justice-free zone, sanitized of any recognition of rights for unborn humanity.
The court’s disdain for life is palpable. The Crown’s flagrant and pitiless tone spoke to any that would articulate otherwise – dissent verboten!
The charge [is] Interfering with the enjoyment of property. I’ve got too close to their midway [house] of horrors. The death mill suborns the police whose code of practice is appeasement to the province’s legal craft playbook.
The testimony by the police at trial is bereft of any mention of small prisoners dragged to their execution for the crime of living. The police abandon those they refuse to protect – the notion of humanity [is] lost of them.
At the prison, I’d refused to receive the invidious police disclosures from the official messenger saying, “I don’t read fiction.” I later added that enough baby blood was shed while the police were there “serving and protecting” the clandestine killing shop that they could have written their reports in blood.
As Elie Wiesel spoke of the findings at the Nuremberg trials, “There were those that did their crimes and those who did nothing.”
In the midst of Canada’s contemporary amnesia, our recent history informs us what delayed action accomplishes. Canada is hemorrhaging from a self-inflicted wound and is awash in the blood of millions. The echo continues on in the indictment of these millions “written in my blood.”
We bring their plaintive cry front and center to the court.
We refuse to be shackled to the Government’s death creep policies or be made accomplices to tyranny against tiny humans. We reject this intrusion of law thrust upon us.
They say, “cease and desist.”
We say persist and carry on!
A world where evil is not challenged is moribund.
Open defiance is better than moronic compliance where our country is turned into a crucible of death.
Our fight is with those who choose to forget – it brooks no neutrality.
Canada’s anthem holds the words “as waiting for the better day.” We each have a crucial role in that better day. It is for us to stand up and fight injustice against life – injustice done on our watch.
The love of Christ constrains us; [it’s] His love that’s abused in the destruction of the unborn’s body.
The Holy Spirit mobilizes us to defend our shared humanity with our unborn friends.
Keep carrying on!
Peace of Christ