This is the text of the 1982 OFL motion on abortion, adopted at their annual convention.  This motion was reaffirmed in November 1983.

The wording of this motion is identical to that submitted to and adopted at the most recent Canadian Labour Congress convention in 1982.

WHEREAS, it should be the fundamental right of each woman to choose when and if she will bear children, and

WHEREAS, present Criminal Code restrictions affect the legality and availability of abortions, and highly organized campaigns are underway to further limit the right to choose, and

WHEREAS, two-fifths of the population of Canada lives in communities not served by hospitals eligible to perform abortions, and

WHEREAS, there is not a safe and effective method of birth control for each woman,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the O.F.L. endorses a woman’s freedom of choice by supporting the right of women to full access to abortion,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the O.F.L. demands the removal of abortion from the Criminal Code,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the O.F.L. demands that free-standing medical clinics providing abortions fully covered by provincial medical plans be established,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the O.F.L. reaffirms its policy on sex education, family life education and birth control.

(Submitted by Office & Professional Employees International Union, Local 343)