Both the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) have passed resolutions supporting the killing of unborn children.  These resolutions call for the legalization of Morgentaler-style abortuaries and the removal of abortion from the Criminal Code.

The two organizations represent millions of Canadian workers.  Their promotion of abortion, however, is not shared by the majority of the people they claim to represent.

I, for one, am totally and unalterably opposed to the legalized murder of unborn persons.  I have made my opposition to these resolutions known to my union president and have asked that my dues be diverted to a charitable organization (Hamilton Birthright).

As an employee of the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission, I belong to the Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU), a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), which is an affiliate of both the CLC and OFL.  This means that some of my money, in the form of union dues ends up in the coffers of pro-abortion OFL and CLC.

Application denied

On April 8, 1983, I wrote to the president of PSAC, requesting that my dues be diverted to a charitable organization.  I explained that I was morally and religiously opposed to abortion.  As a Roman Catholic, I am subject to automatic excommunication for participation in abortion – New Canon Laws 1398 and 1329(2).  His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, has stated, “abortion is an abominable crime.”  Now I – and thousands of other workers – am forced to contribute to this horrendous crime against humanity.

PSAC turned down my request August 3, 1983, on the grounds that it does not support my position and that my objection does not qualify for an application of “dues equivalent” to a charitable organization.  Following this, I contacted the Canadian Labour Relations Board, the Public Service Staff Relations Board and the Canadian Human Rights Commission.  Both Labour Boards stated that they had no authority to intervene.  The Human Rights Commission said they would accept my complaint but were doubtful of my chances of success.

A courageous politician

Acting on the advice of a fellow employee, Mr. Joseph O’Grady, I contacted one of the few pro-life politicians in Canada, Dr. Stanley Hudecki, MP.  The good doctor showed his willingness to come to the defence of the little innocent victims of abortion and showed his courage by reading a statement into the House record, as follows:

Mr. Speaker, a constituent of mine is employed by Canada Employment and Immigration and as such is a member of the Canadian Employment and Immigration Union, which is a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada.  The PSAC is affiliated with the Ontario Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress.  Both of these organizations have passed resolutions urging the liberalization and legalization of abortion in Canada.

Since my constituent’s moral and religious beliefs are totally opposed to abortion he has asked his union to divert his dues to a charitable organization, but it has refused. A section of the program administration collective agreement allows only people who belong to a religion which forbids membership in unions to divert their dues.  As he is Roman Catholic he does not qualify under this section.

Mr. Speaker, it is of concern to me that the Canada Employment and Immigration Union would not allow my constituent to divert his dues to a charitable organization.  Therefore I would like to recommend that the Canada Employment and Immigration Union either withdraw its support for the abortion resolutions passed by the Ontario Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress, or seek to ensure that, in future contracts, members whose religion is opposed to abortion are allowed to divert a portion of their union dues to a charitable organization.

Dr. Hudecki made this statement November 22, l983.  A reporter from the Hamilton Spectator contacted me that evening asking for my comments.  A picture and article appeared in the paper the following day.  This attention generated much-appreciated publicity and also resulted in a further supportive article in the Spectator by Tami Nolan.

New Petition

I have received a great deal of support from others and am greatly encouraged.  I am not convinced that the unions’ pro-abortion claim that they have the majority of people’s support is a myth.

Our local union contributed to the demise of the pro-abortion myth by the use of a petition condemning the CLC abortion resolution.  The petition stated:

The undersigned members of CEIU Local 619, a component of PSAC, are, on moral grounds, opposed to abortion.

There is nothing which can justify the murder of the unborn, and no amount of rhetoric can make this heinous crime justified.

The CLC, to whom we are affiliated, has chosen to sanction this “slaughter of the innocents.”  Our religious and moral sensibilities are being trampled upon. Through our alliance dues, we are being forced to support an organization, the CLC, which promotes abortion, the killing of babies.  We cannot accept this perverted use of our hard-earned money.

We insist that the proportion of our alliance dues that goes to the CLC be redirected to a charitable organization, such as Hamilton Right-to-Life.  We, in good conscience, vigorously insist that our Alliance dues do not support in any way the murder of unborn babies.

This strongly worded petition was signed by almost two-thirds of our Local.  It was presented to our president with the request that it be forwarded to the presidents of the CEIU, PSAC and CLC.

My hope is that other union members will protest the use of their union dues for promotion of abortion in a similar manner.  We cannot stand by while this slaughter continues.

I have written to both the Canadian Labour Relations Board and the Public Service Staff Relations Board asking them to overrule my union’s negative decision.  If these labour boards reject my request, I will either proceed through the courts or submit a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.  Nothing worthwhile comes easily!

Although not yet successful, I will continue in my personal struggle against abortion and place its eventual outcome in the hands of our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, in whose name I submit my humble efforts.