Interim Special
In her keynote address May 3 at the REAL Women annual conference in North Bay, Ontario, Liberal Senator Anne Cools documented the alarming incidence of neonaticide – the killing of newborns – by mothers in our society.
Among other serious concerns connected with this issue, Senator Cools noted, “The perpetrators of domestic violence are not exclusively men.”
In his talk, Freedom and Social Justice,” Chris Sarlo, a professor at Nipissing University and author of the book Poverty in Canada, said the heavy dependence on government handouts has eroded “personal freedom.”
The welfare state has replaced the family and the caring community, and it doesn’t work,” he said.
Other speakers drew attention to the availability of pornography and violence in books in elementary school libraries (at the least, a contradiction of our schools’ zero tolerance policies), and to the catastrophic personal and societal consequences of fatherless families.
Cecilia Forsyth of Saskatchewan was elected National President for a fourth term. REAL Women is a group stressing a traditional view of the family.