Campaign Life Coalition will participate in an October 25th prayer assembly to protest against the Chinese government’s one child per family policy.

The prayer assembly is part of an international effort organized by the Global Society for Life. It is designed to draw attention to the anti-population position of the People’s Republic of China.

Bowing to overpopulation fears, the Chinese government has long advocated a one-child per family policy. Not only does the policy curtail population growth, but it also leads to widespread aborting of female unborn children. Male offspring are favored in China and other Asian countries, especially in light of government policy limiting family size.

The Global Society of Life has planed a 40-day “prayer pilgrimage” September 15 to October 25. The pilgrimage includes gathering for prayer outside the Chinese government consulates world wide. In addition to the prayer offerings, participants plan to present petitions and Bibles to ambassadors of the Chinese government. The even Culminates in a Global Prayer March for China October 25.

Participants in the Toronto area will gather at the Canadian consulate building at 240 St. George St.