Of the frontrunners to replace Brian Mulroney as leader of the federal Progressive Conservatives, Perrin Beatty is the only one to have shown pro-life sentiments and voted pro life.

In an interview with the Toronto Star (February 14, 1993) Beatty stated that he was pro-life.

“As a politician it would be a lot easier to waffle on the middle ground but on this issue you have to search you conscience and do what you think is right,” he said.

In 1988, Beatty voted for the Mitges’ Amendment, which would have allowed abortion only to save the life of a mother. In 1990, he voted in favour of Bill C-43, which was opposed by a united pro-life movement, and defeated in the Senate.

Other frontrunners include Barbara McDougall, Kim Campbell, Michael Wilson and Jean Charest.

McDougall has shown herself to be strongly pro-abortion and says parliament shouldn’t legislate when life begins.

Kim Campbell, the media darling, is considered by many in the pro-life movement to be the most dangerous of all possible candidates. She quit B.C. premier Bill Vander Zalm’s cabinet in 1988, criticizing his pro-life vies. She calls herself a “very committed and passionate pro-choicer.”

Michael Wilson says he believes abortion is a decision between a woman and her doctor.

Jean Charest has consistently voted against pro-life legislation.