Now that Pierre-Marc Johnson has become leader of the Parti Quebecois and Premier of Quebec, it looks as if a provincial election cannot be delayed for long. The new Premier is detested by most of the old-time members of the Parti, and the Parti appears to be equally detested by most Quebecers. So, we may soon have an opportunity to test the good faith of Liberal leader Robert Bourassa and his party, who have promised, as was reported in La Presse and Le Devoir of March 20, 1985, “to review the abortion practices in Quebec, and to forbid Morgentaler-type activities…”
Reggie Chartrand, the retired boxer who is trying to force the Quebec Government to put a stop to Morgentaler’s illegal abortion activities, was in court again on September 26. Judge Breton viewed the National Film Board film, Abortion Stories: North and South, which Reggie presented as part of his evidence that Morgentaler is engaged in activities which are in breach of Canadian law. The judge then postponed further hearings until November 21, when he wants the producer and camera operator of the film to be brought before him to testify as to the truth of the film’s story.
Incidentally, the report that appeared in some newspapers, (taken, it seems, from the Globe and Mail), which asserts that “a wealthy lady” is financing Reggie’s action, is not true. It arose from a joking remark made by one of Reggie’s supporters which was taken as true by a gullible reporter. In fact, the lawyer, Mr. Frank Shoofey has volunteered his services. Indeed, as the case goes on, there will probably be many costs which this generous lawyer cannot be expected to carry in addition to the time and expertise he has donated, and there will be a need to raise funds to meet these expenses. Reggie has opened a special fund to look after fundraising, and he has appealed in the Quebec newspapers for donations.