“A war is being waged against God”
All over the world a war is being waged against God, love, marriage, the family, even life itself …
Three-fourths of the human race has now stripped unborn babies of legal protection, resulting in more than 50 million being aborted – Mother Teresa estimates 100 million …
Abortion is a reflection of sex run loose …
Abortion is not a single issue – it is the whole issue. If there’s no life, there’s nothing …
We must remember that we are here today because someone fought yesterday; and someone will be here tomorrow because we fight today …
This is the message which Fr. Paul Marx, O.S.B., Ph.D., President, Human Life International, and America’s Number One pro-life advocate, took to over 4,300 adults and High School and CEGEP students during his visit to Montreal from March 2 to 12. The visit was jointly sponsored by the English-speaking Councils of the Knights of Columbus and Montreal Pro-Life.
Fr. Marx had a very busy schedule. He conducted 2-hour seminars on pro-life and pro-family in eight parishes, six high schools, and one CEGEP. He also gave a special seminar to a group of educators, taped an interview on CBC Radio, and appeared on an open line show on CJAD hosted by Melanie King.
At the time of this report, it is too early to evaluate the full impact of Fr. Marx’s 10-day whirlwind visit. Initial reactions are: “A breath of fresh air, …” “Thank you for opening my eyes to the abortion situation, …” and a student observed: “Fr. Marx has caused me to rethink my lifestyle …”
His forthright attack on the contraceptive mentality and lifestyle which, he is convinced, inevitably lead to abortion and sterilization, has generated much interest and discussion among parents, educators and students.
The climax of his visit was his meeting with over 120 pro-lifers, some of whom came from as far away as Two Mountains, in which he outlined a broad range of concrete suggestions which pro-lifers can draw upon in their continuing effort to save the unborn child.
Both before and during the visit of Fr. Marx, we received much goodwill, cooperation, and assistance from: the Knights of Columbus, Parish Priests, School Administrators, and our sister groups in the West Island, Two Mountains, and the South Shore. We thank God for this happy collaboration which augers very well indeed for the pro-life movement in our city.
Rita Mendonca is president of Montreal Pro-life.