Re: Abortion

It is important to not underestimate the educative value of law. Certain behaviours often come to be considered as moral because civil laws allow or tolerate them. Yet, a law which allows abortion is radically immoral. A Christian cannot accept such law either in its concept nor in its application: “Nor can a Christian take part in a propaganda campaign in favour of such a law, or vote for it. Morever, a Christian may not collaborate in its application. It is, for instance, inadmissible that doctors or nurses should find themselves obliged to co-operate closely in abortions and have to choose between the Christian law and their professional situation.”

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, September 1983.

Re: Unborn and the Constitution

It seems ironic that, while we have established institutes of child health throughout the country which specifically direct their attention to child development from the time of conception, and while tens of millions are being spent by various national foundations to improve the lot of the unborn, we should see in this day a movement for more liberal fetal indications for abortion….

….Human society cannot survive without the institution of the family. By strengthening the modern family in the present context of society and establishing an accepted code of common morality and teaching reasonable self-discipline and service to others, civilization can be controlled.

Senator Joseph A. Sullivan, December 4, 1981.

Single Issue

“But the single greatest moral issue in Canada today, in my view, is the issue of life.

I cannot in conscience before God vote for any candidate who favours or promotes or even passively or reluctantly tolerates attacks on human life at its source, attacks on human life before birth and attacks on life after birth, regardless of how good or bad the candidates record might be otherwise.

Human life is such a grave matter that an adverse stance in this regard is by itself sufficient reason for disqualifying a political candidate . . . .In conscience I cannot play God, nor can I afford to become an accomplice with anyone else who wishes to do so. There is too much at stake. That is a risk I do not wish to take.”

Adam Exner, R.C. Archbishop of Winnipeg, 1979.


“The right to life is the paramount and most fundamental right of a person and the only instance where an unborn person should be deprived of life is in the rare case where an abortion would prevent the death of the mother.”

Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec, Hamilton, June 1984.

Human Person

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada believes the unborn child is a human person. Human life, possessing a special sanctity in that it is created in the image of God, begins at conception. We believe this view is in conformity with the teachings and principles of the Word of God.

Position Paper, The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, January 1984.

Re: Abortion

To governments we recall that the States has its mission the preservation of the rights of every person, of protecting the weakest and most disfavoured. Human law cannot go against laws written by the Creator in the heart of every human being: even if social consensus contradicts them. The State “cannot declare to be right what would be opposed to the natural law, for this opposition suffices to give the assurance that a law is not a law at all.”

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, September 1983.

Duty of Voters

“I must remind you of your duty to uphold what is necessary for the common good of the country. Those who defend abortions whether legalized or not, or who refuse to make a clear commitment to defend the rights of the unborn or the aged and the ill, or who in other ways promote the corruption of family life, disqualify themselves from public office, no matter what their other qualifications my be. Conscientious citizens may not support such politicians any more than they could support racists, hate peddlers, opponents of true social justice, or anyone else who, in a similar manner, threatens the common good.”

James Mahoney, R.C. Bishop of Saskatoon, Pastoral Letter, March 19, 1977.

Re: Unborn and the Charter of Rights

It has always seemed to me to be ironic that the state would not deprive a murderer of his freedom, much less his life, without giving to him the full protection of that law – he must be tried before a judge and jury; he must be represented by competent legal counsel; his guilt must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt – and it is only right and proper that this should be done. And yet, honourable senators, no such protection is given to the unborn before they are killed. Perhaps some people feel that adequate protection is now given under our law. In my opinion, that protection – if it can be described as such – means little or nothing. I think statistics prove that.

Senator John M. Macdonald, December 7, 1981.


To the Medical Staff:

On behalf of the Board of Management of Grace General Hospital, I am writing to inform you of a policy decision ratified by the Board at its meeting on October 30, 1980.

In accordance with the policy of The Salvation Army, therapeutic abortions will cease in this hospital as of November 4, 1980.

The Salvation Army, Grace Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November, 1980.

Re: Unborn and the Law

I think that one of the essential duties of a legislator is to protect the weak, the disadvantage in human society is the unborn child. That is why in my speech in support of the Constitution in this chamber on March 26 last I expressed, as reported in Hansard on page 2182, the desirability of “words to protect more clearly the rights of the unborn.”

Senator Stanley Haidasz, December 8, 1981.