Apart from UNICEF which we know already, which other agencies or departments of the UN will be promoting population control measures at the Cairo conference?

As one example, and using information taken directly from UN sources, we note that in 1989-90, the UN, INUCEF, UNFPA, UNESCO, ILO and WHO all cooperated in providing funds and aid for male and female sterilizations in Kenya.

The United Nations General Assembly, in 1969, and by a unanimous vote, passes a resolution (Population Growth and Economic Development) calling for support for those governments with population control programmes.  Since then, the UN itself has funded activities, such as sterilization, and pushed for fertility control world-wide.

The UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) was established in 1967 to avoid a split in the UN over the use of funds etc., for buying and distributing contraceptives and sterilization equipment.  It is funded by voluntary contributions from countries that support population control.  It also promotes abortion.

The UN Development Fund (UNDF) – which was not mentioned in the Kenya project – both contributes to, and co-ordinates the expenditures of the various UN agencies for population control.

UNESCO is the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.  In 1948, just three years after the UN was founded, Sir Julian Huxley, the president of UNESCO, laid the basis for accepting eugenics in population policies.  In UNESCO:  Its purpose and its Philosophy, he wrote:  “Thus, even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy of controlled human breeding will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake that much that is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

Huxley was right.  Evidence given at the Nazi Doctors Trial in Nuremberg in 1947 was so sickening that any efforts at eugenic population control were “unthinkable” in 1948.  Over the intervening years, from 1948-94, UNESCO has used its mandate (to educate) by teaching teachers to indoctrinate their pupils with neo-malthusian ideas,, and the media to manipulate the people,  By 1994 eugenic population control has become not only “thinkable” but do-able.

To be fair to Julian Huxley, we must add that the classic study on the races of Europe, We Europeans, which he co-authored with A.C. Haddon and A.N. Carr-Saunders in 1935, completely debunks as pseudo-scientific any theories of racial superiority current at that time, e.g. of an Aryan race, a Nordic race, or a German “master race.”

The two other organizations mentioned in connection with sterilizations in Kenya, ILO (the International Labour Organization) and WHO (the World Health Organization) are Non-Government Organizations closely affiliated with the UN.

People say that NGOs will be powerful at the Cairo Population Conference.  What exactly is a NGO?  How does an organization become a NGO?

NGOs are Non-Government Organizations that have been recognized and accredited by the United Nations, and which are part of the US system.  Apparently (and subject to correction) there are various grades of NGO status and influence, as the history of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) shows.

In 1952, following the Nuremberg trials, the eugenic movement of the USA, led by Margaret Sanger, dropped the term ‘eugenic’ and was recycled into ‘planned parenthood’ as the IPPF.  Some years later the IPPF applied to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for consultative status and was rejected by a seven to zero vote.  In 1964, however, IPPF was recognized by the UN and was granted consultative status.  In 1969, IPPF rose to Category II which allowed it to participate in subsidiary commissions of ECOSOC as well as UNESCO, ILO and FAO.  Two years later, in 1971, the IPPF was awarded full State Status and was recognized as an international NGO associate with ECOSOC, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the World Health Organization.  It could sponsor projects with the World Bank.  In 1981, for example, an International Conference on “Family Planning in the 1980s – A Global Responsibility to Meet the People’s Need” was held in Jakarta, Indonesia, under the joint sponsorship of the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), IPPF, and the Population Council.

The conference recommended steps to curb population growth including: male and female sterilization, availability of all contraceptives, and easy access to abortion where abortion is legal.

Why does the UN encourage NGOs which do the same work as its own agencies?

This question was answered in the secret documents recently released by the White House, “Unlike UNFPA [The United Nations Fund for Population Activities], IPPF and other private population-oriented intermediaries do not require explicit country agreements to operate.  As private organizations, they require only acquiescence.  Through local subsidiary organizations, intermediaries like IPPF can act as local family planning advocates using local community leaders, a role no foreign government or international organization can hope to play.”

Thus, International Planned Parenthood can operate through its affiliates, and, provided a government tolerates its activities, can work without official permission.