On March 8, 1993, the Family Coalition Party of Ontario announced that it will be running two candidates in the recently vacated provincial ridings of St.George-St.David and Don Mills. The elections will be held on April 1.

Louis DiRocco, past president of the FCP, has thrown his hate into the St.George-St.Devid race, one of Ontario’s most bizarre ridings. The area includes the extremely wealthy Rosedale district, the downtown homosexual population, and the very poor Regent’s Park.

Besides his party’s longtime defence of human life from contraception to human death, DiRocco will run on a platform of reducing government bureaucracy, health care reform, more parental control in education and tax relief for families.

Denise Mountenay, a homemaker, freelance writer and former business woman, has taken up the FCP reins in Don Mills. Among other things, Mountenay will focus her campaign on small business interests, reducing government bureaucracy and restoring the moral values from the education system.

Both candidates will also focus much of their resources on a strenuous opposition to ex-Health Minister Frances Lankin’s Abortion Task Force Report which pushes for an increase in abortion providers and facilities.

FCP Party Leader Don Pennell was on he and at Queen’s Park when the party announced its two candidates. Much to his chagrin, none of major media deemed the event worthy of coverage. Pennell mentioned that even though the FCP is the fourth-largest party in Ontario, it is not at all unusual for them to suffer media black-out.