Russian studies show that 51% of women suffered impairment of reproductive system within five years of having an abortion

Russian studies show that the articicial termination of pregnancy by abortion causes serious damage to women and impaird the reproductive system.

Research carried out at the Russian Centre for Family Planning has shown that abortion has a negative effect on a woman’s general health and well being and leads directly to subsequent funtional impairment of the reproductive system.  The study shows impairment to the reproductive system I 15.2% of women within one year after abortion and in 52.43% of women within three to five years following an abortion.

The Russian study found post-abortion complications in five to 20% of patients, including haemorrhaging causes by retained fetal tissue and by traumatic lesions of the uterus, damage to the lower pelvis which may lead to anatomical changes in the genitalia, subsequent infertility, miscarriages and extra-uterine pregnancies. The study also showed a high rate of inflammation of the genital tract.

According to data compiled in Russia, 55% of women ended up with secondary sterility. Fifty percent of patients suffering from dysfunction of the cervical isthmus and 55% of patients who have had an extra-uterine pregnancy have had an artificial abortion in their medical history. “Planned Parenthood in Europe,” Volume 24, No. 1 has printed an article entitled, “Abortion and infertility in Russia,” written by V.I. Kukalov, President of the Russian Family Planning Association and Director of the Scientific Centre of Obstetrics, Gynaecology..

In the article, Kukalov states that abortion in Russia accounts for one quarter of all maternal mortality. Kukalov reports on research conducted by the Family Planning Association regarding abortion on Russian women and concludes that abortion is not a safe operation for the reproductive health of women.

The Kukalov article states, “Retrospective research shows that a prgnancy following an abortion is accompanied by an increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage, a rise in the frequency of such obstetrical complications such as premature labour, early leakage of amniotic fluid, weak labour contractions, impairment of the process of expelling the placenta, haemorrhage om tje final period and immediate post-natal periods and so on, caused by damage of the uterine receptors and disturbance of the reproductive cycle.”

Kukalov expresses concern over the high rates of abortion in Russia with particular concern over the rate of abortion in young Russian women. The number of abortions on women under `17, according to Kukalov, has doubled in the past 5 years. Three million abortions are registered in Russia each year. . . more than twice the birth rate. At least 3,000 of these abortions are carried out on girls under the age of 15. One Health Ministry Official said that 4,820 girls under 15 had abortions in 1994. The rate is dropping as more Russian women use birth control. However, Kukalov told a national conference on family planning this month that abortion is still the main method of birth control in Russia.