Post-abortion and Health Care

Maternity benefits for women who have abortion

The Canadian government is still paying maternal benefits to women who had abortions. The story was reported in The Interim in March 2008, after the Canadian Taxpayers Federation issued its January 31 communiqué, Let’s Talk Taxes, which first brought the issue to light. According to a clarification of the Canadian Labour Code by the Labour Program of Human Resources Development Canada enacted [...]

2011-10-18T07:14:38-04:00October 18, 2011|Announcements, Features, Post-abortion and Health Care|

Believe it or not, abortive women are getting EI benefits

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation broke a story that shocked even most pro-lifers when it revealed in its Jan. 31 Let’s Talk Taxes communique that women who have abortions are eligible for employment insurance. Under Service Canada regulations, women who have an abortion within the first 19 weeks of pregnancy are eligible for sick leave of up to 3.5 months, because the rules do [...]

2009-12-23T11:50:45-05:00March 23, 2008|Post-abortion and Health Care|

Abortion harms adolescent girls’ health

Adolescent women experience far graver risks of mental and emotional health problems from abortion than they do by carrying their “unintended pregnancies” to term, according to a new U.S. study. The study, published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescents, proves that abortion, not the “unintended pregnancy,” causes severe mental health problems in young women. The research conducted by Dr. Priscilla Coleman, [...]

2010-08-18T09:09:04-04:00September 18, 2006|Abortion, Post-abortion and Health Care|

Abortion of no help in cancer cases

A woman’s decision to abort due to gestational breast cancer is popularly termed the “hardest case,” but to pro-life researcher Joel Brind, PhD, that perception is actually the “cruelest myth of all.” Abortion has not been shown to help a mother with breast cancer, nor has a mother’s breast cancer been shown to harm her unborn child. Indeed, evidence has emerged that [...]

2010-08-20T11:48:01-04:00July 20, 2006|Abortion, Post-abortion and Health Care|

Silent No More billboard effort

A Toronto pro-life group is launching a billboard campaign to speak directly to women who regret their abortions. In an effort to bring about greater awareness of the abortion issue and its terrible consequences on women, their children and their families, the Right to Life Association of Toronto is launching a public campaign this summer in which 16 large billboards will be [...]

Professor cites links between abortion and breast cancer

Interim Staff On the morning of the March for Life, breast surgeon Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, clinical assistant professor of surgery at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey and co-founder of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, explained the biological reasons for the link between abortion and breast cancer, noting the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and the cessation of pregnancy. [...]

2010-08-17T12:11:18-04:00June 17, 2006|Abortion, Post-abortion and Health Care|

Men can be just as affected by abortion

The aftermath of abortion is as at least as devastating for men as for women, say clinicians and researchers advocating for healing. Men who have experienced a wife or girlfriend’s abortion commonly feel rage, anxiety, grief and depression, shame, guilt and a sense of helplessness and impotence. While much more research on men’s aftermath is needed, post-abortive men clearly suffer in multiple [...]

2010-08-17T10:30:28-04:00June 17, 2006|Post-abortion and Health Care|

A woman’s abortion trauma

Jennifer is a 27-year-old woman. She has a beautiful, whimsical face, delicate but well-defined features, long chestnut hair and a slight figure. She is a mother of an eight-year-old son. She works with paramedics and crisis response teams and has the semblance of a once tough-minded individual. But since November 2005, she has become victim to panic attacks brought on by having [...]

2010-08-17T09:02:21-04:00May 17, 2006|Motherhood, Post-abortion and Health Care|

Silent No More takes on a more prominent role

The National Silent No More Awareness Campaign will have an even more prominent role in this year's March for Life, as its participants will form one of the groups leading the march with their signs. The women's signs will read, "I regret my abortion," while the men's signs will read, "I regret lost fatherhood." The campaign, in this its third year in [...]

Doctor urges truth of women’s health after abortion be known

During a presentation on “the untold story of women’s health” at the University of Toronto, Dr. Deborah Zeni told students that as a matter of public health, the truth about women’s health after abortion should be widespread. This should be so that this knowledge is available even before conception. About 40 people were assembled, in an impressive turnout during a storm the [...]

2010-08-17T08:06:19-04:00April 17, 2006|Post-abortion and Health Care|

RU-486 drug continues to take a deadly toll

In a Public Health Advisory released March 17, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration alerted consumers to the additional deaths of two women who took the “abortion pill,” mifepristone (also known as Mifeprix or RU-486). The known death toll stemming from the abortion drug in the U.S. is now six women and countless unborn children, since the drug’s legalization in 2000. Beyond [...]

2010-08-17T07:53:42-04:00April 17, 2006|Abortion, Post-abortion and Health Care|

A tough pill to swallow

Why the silence about studies that show a link between oral contraceptives and cancer? What’s the difference between taking hormones for menopause and taking hormones as a contraceptive? If you’re the Canadian Cancer Society, you’ll warn of the cancer risks of one, but not the other. For more than a year, the society has cautioned women that hormone replacement therapy – a [...]

2010-08-16T09:12:48-04:00February 16, 2006|Abortion, Post-abortion and Health Care|

Marriage battle not over

Tony Gosgnach The Interim The battle to bring back the traditional definition of marriage in Canada is NOT over. That was the message brought loudly and clearly to hundreds of attendees at the 2005 National Pro-Life Conference in Montreal by Pat O’Brien, the independent – and formerly Liberal – MP for the riding of London-Fanshawe, Ont. He spoke along with other Canadian [...]

Abortion’s ‘conspiracy of silence’ being dismantled

Tony Gosgnach The Interim The conspiracy of silence regarding abortion’s harmful effects on women is gradually beginning to dissipate, as more and more women come forward to provide often-harrowing accounts of their lives both during and after their abortion experiences. This development may prove eventually to be the ultimate unravelling of the abortion machine. So said the co-founder of the U.S. Silent [...]

2010-08-26T09:45:19-04:00November 3, 2005|Activism, Post-abortion and Health Care, Pro-Life|

More on the dangers of chemical abortions

Natalie Hudson The Interim In a startling front-page article in the Ottawa Citizen on Sept. 24, Dr. Ellen Wiebe admitted the hazards of methotrexate abortions. The article appeared at the same time The Interim went to press with a front-page article on the same topic, for which Wiebe had been interviewed. More striking than her admissions were the obvious intentions for which [...]

2010-08-03T10:40:35-04:00November 3, 2005|Abortion, Post-abortion and Health Care|
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