Newspapers run tiny, back-page reports of the jailing of “anti-abortionists.” Feminists and pro-abortionists denounce them as wild fanatics threatening law and order.  Leaders of the country – political, academic, cultural and religious – maintain a discreet silence.

Who would have thought that it would come to this – pro-lifers actually going to prison?  Certainly none of the people involved would have believed a year or even six months ago that they would be locked up for two, three or four months in the spring of 1989.

Twenty-five individuals have set an example for all Canadians.  When the law of God and a matter of life and death clash, they say, God comes first, not man-made regulations.  They have allowed the spirit of truth and light to guide them and they have borne witness to Him.

In the past twenty years, Canada’s Morgentalers have been appallingly successful in making abortions common-place.  The taxpayer is forced t pay for them; nurses are coerced to help with them; the police protect those who do them; and now judges bring the full weight of the law against those who oppose them.

When will Canadians wake up?  When will Christians abandon their pitiful apathy, rouse themselves and force the politicians to halt the carnage?

The following British Columbians have given up their freedom in order to witness to the truth of both Reason and Revelation which holds that in any and all circumstances the killing of innocent human beings is wrong.

March 8 – Sentenced to three months:

James Hanlon

Karen Hanlon

David Forsyth

March 28 – Sentenced:

Rosemary Hanlon (3 months)

Laird Swanson (4 months)

April 13 – Sentenced to three months:

Cliff Coutts

Kathryn Davies

April 28 – Sentenced to four months:

Melinda Anderson

Corinna Larsen

April – Sentenced to one year in Belville, Washington, U.S.A., along with 48 Americans.  Sentence will begin on June 4:

Jim Demers

Eugene Schmunck

May 1 – Sentenced to two months:

Barbara Armstrong

Louise Belanger

Christina Chipeur

Deanne Gartner

Burgal Gottwald

Janet Joy

Diane Kruger

Alice McCrea

Ron Postay

Rosemary Thompson

Cathy wills

May 5 – Sentenced to three months:

Byron Samson

Patricia Wagner

Sue Warrington