It was a gathering of priestly pro-life stalwarts at Campaign Life Coalition’s national headquarters in Toronto recently. Father Tony Van Hee (left) has kept a constant vigil for the unborn on Parliament Hill in Ottawa for years, reminding federal legislators of the gap in legal rights for the unborn. Asked to sum up the situation in Canada (prior to the election) in a few words, he said simply that, “Canada needs divine intervention.” Father Ted Colleton (centre) remains a vital pro-life presence in his 93rd year of life, showing no signs of slowing down. He continues a speaking schedule and keeps everyone around him laughing with his patented string of knee-slapping jokes. Father Alphonse de Valk (right) was feted by people from across Canada recently as he marked his 40th anniversary of ordination to the Catholic priesthood. He is a former editor of The Interim who has, for over a decade now, been editor of Catholic Insight magazine, which seeks to call the Catholic church in Canada back to faithfulness and orthodoxy. Photo: Tony Gosgnach.