In his own words


Jim Demers is charged with theft, damage to public property and possession of stolen property following an incident at Kootenay Lake District Hospital in January. At a preliminary hearing held in May, it was ruled that there was enough evidence to proceed to trial. A jury trial is scheduled for the week of September 24.         


Following the incident, abortions at this hospital dropped dramatically. Up to May 1, only one abortion was performed. Prior to the incident, the hospital averaged two abortions per week. It appears that the doctor who performed most of the abortions may have reconsidered his position.


A defense trust has been established to help pay the legal costs in this case. Donations may be sent to Demers Defense Trust, c/o Nelson & District Credit Union, 501 Vernon Street, Nelson,  B.C. V1L 4E9.


Below is shortened version of the statement given by Mr. Demers to police immediately after the incident.


On Sunday the 27 day of January 1985, I left my home in Nelson and drove alone to KLDH and parked by the helicopter pad. I then proceeded through the front doors of KLDH and parked by the helicopter pad. I then proceeded through the front doors of KLDH as a visitor and proceeded through the hallway to the elevator-seeing no one…


My purpose of going to the hospital was to find the suction abortion machine and remove it. My plan was to transform it from a death-making instrument to a human enhancement implement…I knew what type of machine to look for from books I have read as well as movies I have seen.


I eventually found a small alcove that contained two suction machines – one large (two bottle) and one small (one bottle). Both these machines were on wheels… I took the larger machine and put it outside the exit door. The glass bottles were rattling so I took them off and left them on a bookshelf in the rest area. I returned for the smaller machine and took it outside also. I then took both machines to my truck and loaded them.


I took them to my shop and dismantled the larger machines. I rebuilt it into a book trolley. I drilled the engine to make it inoperative. The smaller machine I did not tamper with because I could not confirm what it was.


While in the hospital I put an envelope containing in birth certificate and driver’s license on the floor where the larger machine had been. The reason for carrying the envelope containing ID was in the event someone stopped me in the hospital: I could present the ID and request that they call the police, stating that a robbery was in progress… I left the ID and it was to accept responsibility for the action in the event I was stopped before I could make my intentions clear…


I went back to KLDH and stopped at the front door. I unloaded the equipment and the box containing the parts, as well as a book called The Facts of Life. I went to the reception area and informed the receptionist that I was returning KLDH property.


I then asked to see the supervisor and was introduced… I advised her that I was returning their property. I informed her that perhaps she should call the police. At the time she was doing something else and asked me to call the police, which I did. Shortly thereafter police arrived.