Dr. Paul McGoey died recently at his home in Gormley, Ontario. He was a man of courage and of frankness; a born leader. He stood out in any gathering of doctors. He was an outstanding surgeon and was a leader in the just cause of defending the right to life of the unborn in Ontario.

He graduated from the University of Toronto in 1940 and saw overseas duty with the Canadian Orthopedic Unit in Scotland between in 1941 and 1945. It was in Scotland that he met and married his bride Janet. He was the father of 11 children.

Established the orthopedic service

He was admitted to the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada in 1947 and jointed the staff of St. Michael’s Hospital in the same year. He established the orthopedic service in St. Michael’s, with the rank of assistant clinical professor.

He became Chief of Surgery at Scarborough General Hospital in 1962 and left to become Chief of Surgery at Centenary Hospital, (Scarborough), in 1967. In 1972 he became Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at Centenary Hospital.

He was a founder of the Canadian Association of Medical Students and of the Canadian Intern Placement Service, and he served two terms on the Board of the Ontario Medical Association. He also served on numerous committees convened with graduate education programmes of the University of Toronto and of the Ontario Medical association. He was chairman of general surgery at the Academy of Medicine and also the section of orthopedic surgery. He has served on the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario in 1981.

Paul was renowned as a teacher both of medical students and of post-graduates.  Always intellectual in approaching new matters, he was himself as diligent a student as he was a teacher. He took a deep personal interest in every young doctor he knew and constantly encouraged young physicians to develop their talents and attain their fullest potential. He took great pride in their success.

Dr. McGoey, a gifted entrepreneur, built never more in evidence than in his unflagging Medical Place, and Medical Inns. He was also one of a small group responsible for the founding of Centenary Hospital, Scarborough. As its first Chief of Surgery, he took a progressive and wide-ranging attitude to its surgical-staffing requirements and so attracted a staff with many areas of expertise.

Pioneering spirit

His fortitude and pioneering spirit were never more in evidence than in his unflagging efforts in defense of the unborn. He was co-founder of the Toronto Chapter of Physicians for Life, a member of the executive of the Toronto Catholic Doctors’ Guild, and a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre.

His colleagues have lost a good friend and an outstanding fellow doctor. All of us have lost man dedicated to the cause of the sacredness of human life – a man, who like his patron saint “fought the good fight” … right to the end.