For the fourth year running, thousands of Canadians took part in North America’s largest annual pro-life demonstration.

This years’ Life Chain did no reach the attendance of past events but organizers say their goal was reached. Activists across the country lined the streets of their communities in peaceful yet poignant demonstration for the unborn.

Signs reading “Abortion Kills Children” and “Jesus Forgives and Heals,” were prominent to motorists and passersby. Organizers estimate that well over 500,000 Canadians saw these signs in various parts of the country. Toronto, which has a very heavy ethnic population, had signs translated into Korean, Italian, Portuguese, Croatian and Polish.

“ It is important to get the message out to the communities to show that it is a grass-roots effort,” said one organizer.

“If, even for only one day a year, Canadians are aware that opposition to abortion does exist, then I think the event serves its purpose.”

Organizers are also looking to increase church involvement next year.

N.S. woman convicted of aiding friend’s suicide

Provided drugs, needles and wrote suicide note

Interim staff

A Nova Scotia woman has been found guilty of  assisting in the suicide of a woman who had tried to kill herself 35 times.

In late October, Mary Jane Fogarty of Halifax was convicted of providing the necessary syringes and drugs to Brenda Barnes so that she might take her life.  With the conviction the 39-year-old Fogarty becomes the first Canadian ever to be found guilty of aiding and abetting a suicide.

Fogarty testified that she provided the needles and street drugs and also that she dictated her friend’s suicide note.  The note left all of Barnes’ possessions, including a $100.000.00 life insurance policy, to Fogarty.  Jurors also heard testimony that Barnes’ had tried to kill herself at least 35 times before Fogarty finally finished her.

After 14 hours of deliberation, the jury found Fogarty guilty and she will be sentenced in December.  She faces at least 14 years in jail.

Fogarty’s lawyer during the trial was Anne Derrick who in the past, represented Henry Morgentaler during his Nova Scotia challenges.