After reading the May issue of Vitality you probably feel that you know the Nova Scotia and British Columbia branches of the family very well.  Now say Hello to the people from Saskatchewan and Quebec.

Campaign Life Coalition, Saskatchewan, Box 8262, Saskatoon, Sask.  S7K 6C5

Denise Hounjet-Roth, the President, in a very short time has given us one more reason to remember Saskatchewan. Spreading her infectious energy she revitalized the provincial chapter and, as a co-ordinator of Liberals for Life in Saskatchewan, she helped make the last Liberal Leadership campaign one which will never be forgotten.

Denise, a teacher in the French Immersion Programme, her husband, Louis, and five-year-old son live in Saskatoon and await the birth of their second child in July.

Leonard Possberg, a long-time pro-life activist serves as Vice-President.  Together with Jean, his wife, and their four children, Leonard lives in the Humboldt district where he operates their hog and grain farm.

Rick Folkerson, the Treasurer, is a laboratory technician at the University of Saskatchewan.  He and his wife, Bev, are expecting their third child.  Rick has spent several years in pro-life activism. 

Sharon Altrogge serves on the National Board after having devoted so much energy to the Liberals for Life efforts during the Party Leadership Campaign. 

Sharon, who is a teacher, is presently enjoying being a full-time homemaker.  She, her husband Bart, and their two daughters live in Saskatoon. 

Jim McGettigan, medical practitioner, is the founder and past-president of CLC Saskatchewan.  A long-time pro-life activist, Jim is married with three children and lives in Saskatoon, where he has practised for 20 years.

Cecilia Forsyth, a co-founder of CLC Saskatchewan, deserves special mention.  A twenty-year veteran of the pro-life movement, Cecilia has seen many campaigns and has lobbied scores of politicians.   

Cecilia, a native of Texas, was never afraid to state her views in the face of opposition, she never avoided hard work and she never compromised.  After having raised four sons, Cecilia and her husband, George, are taking a sabbatical in the United States.

We look forward to her return to the Canadian pro-life movement and wish her God’s every blessing. 

Campagne Quebec-Vie, C.P. 378, Montreal, Quebec.  H2S 9Z9.

Gilles Grondin, President and founding member, came to CLC following a distinguished career in the Foreign Service. 

Gilles has been successful in making Campagne Quebec-Vie a formidable organization in the province of Quebec by consistently reminding Quebecers that they were facing self-extinction through abortion.

He also works on Vitalite, the French version of Vitality, and is a National Vice-President of CLC. 

Margot Cafferty is Campagne Qauebec-Vie’s energetic and resourceful Vice-President.  Margot is the mother of four and grandmother of six.  She is a civil servant with the Ministry of Finance.  She is also active in opposition to the current sex-education in Quebec schools. 

Gregor Theurer, the eldest of five  children, came to Canada from Germany in 1976. After becoming involved in the pro-life movement in 1988, Gregor has participated in several Operation Rescues and is a founding member of Campagne Quebec-Vie.

Gitaine Maltais, in addition to serving on Quebec’s board, is a National Board member.  She co-founded a pregnancy counselling centre, “Secours et Vie” in Sherbrooke, Quebec.

Marc-Albert Belanger is another founding member.  An architect by profession, he regularly pickets Henry Morgentaler’s abortuary in Montreal. 

Andre Couture, also founding member of Campagne Quebec-Vie, uses his organizational skills to help make the provincial chapter a household name in Quebec.  Andre and his wife, Claire, have five children and live in Montreal. 

Sylvie Cantin-Brouillet became involved in the pro-life movement in 1988 and joined the provincial board in 1990.  An accomplished musician, Sylvie plays the organ in several parishes in Quebec City, where she lives with her husband. 

Andre Brouillet is a committed pro-life activist and is a member of the provincial board.  He is a chemist by profession and also an organist in Quebec City parishes.

Ward O’Connor is a French-speaking Irishman who is happiest when he is busy.  Ward generously devotes his time and energy to both political and educational pro-life activism.  He is also involved in several social organizations in Hull-Gatineau, and Aylmer, Quebec.