“I can’t pay for the killing of babies,” says pro-life activist, Leo Coyle who is in trouble with Alberta Health Care insurance Plan for non-payment of health care insurance premiums. Recently AHCIP employed a collection agency to try to collect from Mr. Coyle the $800 it is alleged Mr. Coyle owes. Mr. Coyle has not paid his Medicare for five years.
“As a Catholic, I feel I cannot contribute to funding abortions,” says the retired high school teacher. Mr. Coyle said he was surprised when called by the agency because Alberta Hospitals and Medical Care Minister Dave Russell is reported to have said the he won’t move against those who refuse to pay Medicare for religious reasons. “Russell has done a complete turnabout and now he’s moving against me,” said Mr. Coyle who believes this change has come about because Mr. Coyle is one of the demonstrators involved in picketing the homes of local abortionists.
Susan Green, executive assistant to the Minister, denies that it has anything to do with the picketing. Ms. Green explains that conscientious objectors may opt out of the plan if they notify the plan by June 30th every year, and if their account is paid up until the time they first opt out. My Coyle claims he was not aware that he is required to notify Alberta Health Care every year. He vows he will not pay. “If I send money it can be used for abortions. If abortion was taken out of Medicare the number of abortions would go down. It’s too easy to get an abortion,” says Mr. Cole.
In 1983 there were 6,475 abortions performed in Alberta. The doctor’s fee schedule notes that abortion costs range from between $8250 to $173.50. This does not include hospital costs, anesthetists’ costs or the amount charged in balanced billing. In addition to this, ACHIP payments are made to doctors in the U.S. performing abortions on Alberta women who either did not qualify or did not apply for abortions in Alberta. The Edmonton Branch of Planned Parenthood refers around 500 women to the States every year.
“I have no doubt that I will be going to court,” says Mr. Coyle. “Whatever happens is God’s will.”