John Carpay

Canada’s Constitution could protect us from globalist tyranny

John Carpay: If globalism means free trade and voluntary cooperation between countries, it can be a good thing. For example, doctors and scientists from different countries can share their research with each other and collaborate on creating life-saving medications. It makes good economic sense to buy coffee and bananas from tropical countries, rather than trying to grow those crops in Canada in [...]

2024-12-19T12:23:03-05:00December 19, 2024|John Carpay, Politics, Society & Culture|

Sticker shock and hidden fees

Josie Luetke: Interim writer, Josie Luetke, Talk Turkey Pro-lifers are normally preoccupied with the challenge of making other people pro-life. We aren’t as focused on keeping the ones we already have … we shouldn’t have to be, right? However, multiple times now, I’ve been posed the question: Why do people not stay pro-life? Many stalwarts in the movement have been [...]

Endangered preborn

The World Wildlife Fund released its annual “Living Planet Report” subtitled “A system in peril.” The report states that “nature is being lost – with huge implications for us all,” asserting “biodiversity sustains human life and underpins our society.” We cannot help but wonder why there are no international organizations or agencies releasing similar reports decrying the systemic extermination of preborn children [...]

Section 1 allows judges to trample on Charter freedoms

John Carpay:  “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it, subject only to such reasonable limits, prescribed by law, as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” Thus reads Section 1 of the document added to Canada’s constitution in 1982. In R. v. Oakes (1986) the Supreme Court ruled that when [...]

2024-11-15T12:36:03-05:00November 15, 2024|John Carpay|

Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice …

John Carpay: How long will Canadians continue falling for the same media tricks that they fell for during the years of lockdowns and vaccine passports? As the annual flu season approaches, Canadian media are raising the banner of fear, lifting high the torch of terror, and waiving the flag of foreboding. Media allege that we are seeing large numbers of “Covid cases” [...]

2024-10-30T11:26:37-04:00October 30, 2024|John Carpay|

How bad was COVID, actually

John Carpay: In March 2020, Dr. Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London predicted 40 million COVID deaths globally, including 2.2 million deaths in the United States. Dr. Ferguson publicly compared COVID to the Spanish Flu of 1918, which had killed between 20 and 100 million people world-wide, at a time when the world’s population was roughly one-fourth of what it is today. [...]

2024-09-30T11:27:11-04:00September 30, 2024|John Carpay|

Bad ideas are destroying Canada

John Carpay: Bad laws are the result of bad politics. Bad politics result from a rotten culture. A rotten culture emerges when too many people embrace bad ideas. A complete description of all the bad ideas that are now wrecking Canada’s culture, society, and economy would fill many volumes. But here follows a partial list. “Most parents are dangerous and abusive.” This [...]

2024-07-29T09:23:36-04:00July 29, 2024|John Carpay, Politics, Society & Culture|

Will some Bible passages become criminal hate speech

John Carpay:  Bill C-63 (Online Harms Act) is the most serious threat to free speech in Canada in generations. If passed into law by Parliament, Bill C-63 would give the Canadian Human Rights Commission new powers to prosecute and punish non-criminal speech if deemed to be “hateful” in the subjective opinion of federal bureaucrats. Canadians found guilty would be required to pay [...]

2024-05-30T10:43:20-04:00May 30, 2024|John Carpay, Religion|

The fascism behind the Online Harms bill

John Carpay: In his masterful work The Anatomy of Fascism, Robert Paxton surveys fascist movements and parties in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s, looking at their differences and similarities and then arriving at a workable definition. Fascist movements were hostile to democracy and to individual rights and freedoms. Despising the idea of individual citizens, each choosing their own individual priorities, fascists [...]

2024-04-09T11:43:41-04:00April 9, 2024|John Carpay, Politics, Society & Culture|

Only science here is political science

John Carpay: Jasmin Grandel and Darrell Mills have asked the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal to rule against the Saskatchewan government’s ban on outdoor gatherings of more than 10 people. Grandel and Mills attended various peaceful outdoor protests in 2020 and 2021, resulting in hefty fines for violating Public Health Orders. In 2020 and 2021, Saskatchewan enforced its restrictions on outdoor gatherings against [...]

2024-03-18T10:42:10-04:00March 18, 2024|John Carpay|

Courts ignore evidence of serious lockdown harms

John Carpay: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms requires governments to justify any law that violates one or more of our Charter freedoms of conscience, religions, expressional, association, mobility, and peaceful assembly. Unless the government can provide persuasive evidence in court to show that its law or policy is doing more good than harm, Canadian judges are morally and legally obligated [...]

2024-02-22T17:21:23-05:00February 22, 2024|John Carpay|

Going after Tamara Lich and Chris Barber

John Carpay Interim writer, John Carpay, Law Matters Rape victims in Ontario grieve not only the evil that was inflicted on them, but also the failure of the Crown to ensure that serious offences are tried promptly. In 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in R. v. Jordan that serious crimes must be tried within 30 months, based on [...]

2024-01-08T14:21:02-05:00January 8, 2024|John Carpay|

Anti-parent court ruling worth opting out of

In August of 2023 at the University of Regina, UR Pride Centre for Sexuality and Gender Diversity filed a court application seeking to strike down Saskatchewan’s “Use of Preferred First Name and Pronouns by Students” policy. This policy protects children from being pressured or manipulated (absent parental knowledge and consent) into embarking on a dangerous and futile quest to become the opposite [...]

2023-11-06T15:33:46-05:00November 6, 2023|John Carpay, Society & Culture|

Will the authoritarians prevail over science again?

John Carpay: Judging by Canadians’ overwhelming compliance with lockdowns, vaccine passports, and travel restrictions since March of 2020, it unfortunately seems that most Canadians meet authoritarianism with unquestioning obedience. University of Manitoba psychology professor Robert Altemeyer argues that those with an authoritarian personality are submissive even to authority figures who are dishonest, corrupt, and inept. They persist in their belief that their [...]

2023-10-12T10:08:45-04:00October 12, 2023|John Carpay, Politics, Society & Culture|

Deaths that depart from the Covid narrative

John Carpay: When statisticians speak of “excess” deaths, they speak of a higher-than-expected death rate. The number of “expected” deaths (for a country or province, for one year or some other time period) is based on the population’s age, race, employment, education, income, marriage rates, birth rates, and mortality statistics for previous periods. For example, statisticians might expect 300,000 people to die in [...]

2023-09-20T11:15:45-04:00September 20, 2023|John Carpay|
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