Unborn with right to sue

MONCTON – A New Brunswick Court of Queen’s Bench ruling allows children to sue their parents for injuries suffered while in the womb. The case involves four-year-old Ryan Dobson who was injured in a 1993 car crash near Moncton. The child was born three months premature and remains permanently disabled. The suit was launched on the boy’s behalf in 1995, alleging that the boy’s mother, who was also injured in the crash, was negligent. In ruling in favour of Ryan, Judge Richard Miller rejected arguments that the unborn child is part of the mother. He admitted the case has broad implications which will have to be settled by higher court rulings.

Bill S-13 drawing opposition

WINNIPEG – Officials with the Manitoba Life League have requested that supporters write to members of the Canadian Senate expressing opposition to Bill S-13, proposed legislation dealing with medical treatment of incompetent patients. The bill was initiated by Liberal Senator Sharon Carstairs who has promised to work for new legislation in favour of assisted suicide. Pro-lifers are especially disturbed about a section of the bill which would permit an incompetent person to be starved to death at the request of a proxy or guardian.

No prison sentence imposed

SMITHS FALLS, Ont. – Brenda Drummond, the Carleton Place postal employee who avoided an attempted murder conviction in the pellet rifle shooting of her unborn son, received a suspended sentence and 30 months probation on charges of failing to provide the necessities of life. Both Crown and defence attorneys agreed however that Drummond should not serve any prison time because of the ordeal she has gone through since last May. The Drummond case unleashed nation-wide debate about the lack of protection afforded unborn children in the Canadian Criminal Code.

PP looks to new funding sources

TORONTO – Pro-life supporters are surprised by a Planned Parenthood of Toronto solicitation letter which was included in an information package sent to some Toronto-area doctors through the Ontario Medical Association. Signed by long-time abortion advocate Dr. Marion Powell, the letter asks doctors for donations to help the abortion/contraception promoting organization with its efforts to promote “healthy sexuality.” Some pro-lifers believe the letter reveals a growing desperation on the part of Planned Parenthood which is encountering greater resistance to its anti-family agenda.

A primer for media relations

MARKHAM, Ont. – The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) has issued a new brochure which offers advice to Christian churches improving relations with the news media. The booklet, Good News, Bad News, suggests that ignorance rather than simple bias, often accounts for negative reporting on the part of the mainstream media. The book also says Christian groups should attempt to cooperate rather than impede the efforts of the secular media. “There is no better way to get negative press than by treating a reporter badly,” the EFC says. “Many mainstream religion writers cite this as their biggest complaint about dealing with Christians and single out Evangelicals as the worst offenders.”

Manitoba MDs reject euthanasia

WINNIPEG – More than 200 Manitoba physicians recently took out a full-page advertisement in The Winnipeg Free Press to express opposition to euthanasia and assisted-suicide. The advertisement called for a renewed emphasis on palliative care as a life-affirming, humane response to patients and families facing terminal illness. The Manitoba doctors fear legalized euthanasia will result in a loss of trust between patient and doctor and could lead to a steady increase in the number of patients opting for the assisted suicide route. The initiative was spearheaded by Manitoba obstetrician Dr. Paul Adams.

Romails appointment short-lived

VANCOUVER – Dr. Garson Romalis, the abortionist appointed to a provincial judicial council in December, has already tendered his resignation. “This comes as a great surprise to us,” said John Hof, president of Campaign Life Coalition, B.C. “At the time of his appointment, we raised concerns as to the appropriateness of the move. We certainly find it interesting that he has now quit almost before he even got started.” Local pro-lifers questioned the Romails’ suitability to a council responsible for the selection of judges, justices of the peace and traffic court adjudicators. They wondered about the impartiality of any Romalis-appointed judges when deciding on cases involving British Columbia pro-life supporters.