Planned Parenthood targets PEI

CHARLOTTLETOWN – The PEI Right to Life Association is monitoring the activities of Planned Parenthood after it was discovered the pro-abortion organization is attempting to reopen an office in Charlottetown. The organization recently circulated a fund-raising letter in which is announced the plans to re-establish itself on the island. Planned Parenthood left PEI in 1983 due to lack of funds and declining interest. Vince McIntyre, president of PEI Right to Life has written to the province’s health minister urging that Planned Parenthood not receive any provincial funding and that it not have any input into public health policy.

Toronto RTL marks 25 years

TORNTO – The Right to Life Association of Toronto and Area will celebrate its 25th anniversary November 17 with a luncheon at the Thornhill Country Club. The anniversary luncheon will feature presentation of two new annual awards – the C. Gwendolyn Landolt Award for outstanding pro-life leadership, and the Laura McArthur Award for youth leadership and initiative. Since 1971, the Toronto Right to Life office has worked to educate the community about the inherent dignity and value of all human life.

Pickup to speak in London

LONDON, Ont. – The Catholic Diocese of London has invited disability rights activist Mark Pickup to speak on the dangers of decriminalizing assisted suicide in mid-October. Pickup, winner of the 1996 Kurelek Award for his pro-life efforts, will speak in Windsor, Chatham, London and Sarnia October 15-18/ Pickup has make a presentation to the Canadian Senate Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. He has made several videos on the topic and he has appeared on the CBC to argue the anti-euthanasia viewpoint.

Fall brings busy schedule

WINNIPEG – Pro-life activity in Manitoba is moving into full swing for the fall. The League for Life of Manitoba is planning a fund-raising walkathon for late September, followed by participation in the international Life Chain October 6. The Manitoba Life Chain will surround the Health Sciences Centre, the largest abortion performing institute in the province. The League for Life also plans a wide distribution of euthanasia information publication to coincide with plans by the federal government to introduce as assisted suicide bill. “If we can’t mobilize the Christian community on this issue, we might as well give up the battle,” said League for Life president Pat Soenen.

Abortion cocktail plan opposed

EDMONTON – Alberta’s Committee to end Tax-Funded Abortions (CETFA) has objected to plans by Morgentaler Clinic supporters to supply the chemical abortifacient methotrexate (“abortion cocktail”) at taxpayers’ expense to Alberta women. CETFA is involved in an ongoing battle with the provincial government to remove abortions from the services covered by Alberta’s public health plan. Polls show two-thirds of Albertans do not favour taxpayer support of abortion services. A spokesperson for CETFA said it is inappropriate for the province to consider any plan to fund methotrexate in the face of widespread public opposition. CEFTA says the abortion cocktail has not been widely tested and its long-term safety has not been established.

Children at greater risk

ABBOTSFORD B.C. – A survey commissioned by the Christian Heritage Party (CHP) reveals the majority of British Columbians  fear declining moral values have made the province a more dangerous place to raise children. The province-wide survey was conducted at the end of August by CV Market Research. More than 73 per cent of responsible students agreed with the statement It was safer to bring up children in Canada 25 years ago than it is today.” The survey also showed about 35 per cent of respondents had heard of the Christian Heritage Party, more than half oh whom held a favourable opinion.

Pro-lifers gain clinic records

VANCOUVER – B.C. pro-lifers are celebrating the decision by the Information and Privacy Commission to release records of the Everywoman’s Health Centre. To Ted Gerk of the B.C. Pro-Life Society. Gerk requested correspondence between the abortion clinic and the College of Physicians and Surgeons between the years 1990 and 1995. Much of the correspondence deals with accreditation of Everywoman’s, the largest abortion facility in B.C. Gerk said the records will shed light on the clinic’s safety standards. He said the clinic is affiliated with the U.S.-based National Abortion Federation which has been lax in regulating its member clinics.