Confederation of Regions Party not Pro-life

The Confederation of Regions (CoR) political party has adopted the same unprincipled  approach to pro-life issues as the Reform Party. Moral issues of consequence are to be settled by constituency referendum, not according to moral principles.

This is made clear in the April issue of the CoR/New Brunswick newsletter. The party  hopes to participate in a coming provincial election. (The Reform Party is exclusively federal).

The statement reads: “Although generally acknowledges in our 1990 society as an absolute, other people and times have decided differently; and even among ourselves, the absoluteness of this right is often questioned. Theologians, physicians, and  jurists may variously claim privilege in deciding matter of abortion, capital punishment and euthanasia on our behalf; but on these, the CoR party has no fixed stance.”

The pro-life group Lifesavers Moncton, which drew attention the CoR’s stand in a letter to the editor of the Moncton Times Transcript  (May 8, 1991), announced it will oppose this party in the upcoming election.


Cambridge, Ontario. Pro-lifers here have discontinued their regular picketing of the Cambridge memorial Hospital after learning that doctors are no longer performing abortions there.

A hospital official confirmed that no abortions had been performed there since September 1990, the Cambridge Times  of May 26 reported.

Anneliese Steden of Cambridge Right to Life said; “It’s good and it’s a victory. It’s wonderful.”

Marcia Redmond, manager of the sexual health program of the Waterloo Region Health Unit, regretted that abortions have stopped. Meanwhile, Cambridge’s only abortionist, Dr. Clifford Chan acknowledges that his decision to stop was the result of “a lot of pressure: by picketing Cambridge Right to Life Members.


Edmonton. On May 24, Judge J.A. Irving denied Alberta pro-lifers the right to appeal a decision of the Development Appeal Board to permit Henry Morgentaler and his holding company, Gestions Habal Inc. to renovate premises for the purpose of opening the city’s first free-standing abortuary.

The abortion clinic was to have opened in June, but court actions by pro-lifers have pushed back the date.

Determined veteran pro-lifer Gerard Liston and his associates are now not only picketing the abortuary site, but also the companies doing the renovations, Laidlaw Waste Management and Krawford Construction. Said Liston: “Laidlaw and Henry Morgentaler are in cahoots to build a death camp.”

Church Staffs Call for Porn Law

Representatives from the staffs of nine churches in Canada have urged Justice Minister Kim Campbell to introduce legislation against pornography.

They are asking for the prohibition of pornography “involving children” and “depicting violent or degrading behaviour in a sexual context.”

In the last parliament, the Tories allowed their strong anti-porn measure, Bill C-54, to ‘die on the order paper’.

Tremblay in Media Limelight

Jean-Guy Tremblay of Montreal was sentenced to six months less a day for threatening and beating up his most recent girlfriend. The news was carried in the national media from coast to coast. Why should this be the case, on may ask, when other small-time punks never get their stories publicized beyond the local newspaper or radio station?

Well, Jean –guy is the “Man in (the) Daigle case,” as the Toronto Star headed its story (May 8). That’s why his progress through he courts this year has been recorded in Canada’s newspapers on February 8, 9, 10, 13, 16 (when fellow prisoners beat him up) and now again on May8).

The underlying reason for all this appears to be that somehow Tremblay’s crimes of today furnish proof that his girlfriend, Chantal Daigle, was correct in killing their 21-week old unborn baby in August 1989.