Outspokenly pro-life Alan Keyes, a former U.S. ambassador to UNESCO and two-time candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, was picked to face rising Democrat star Barack Obama in the open Senate race in Illinois. Keyes is making abortion a priority issue and comparing Obama’s pro-abortion position – he supports even partial-birth abortion – to a “slave-holder” mentality. Both Keyes and Obama are black … South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds (R) is standing firm in opposing a link on the state library website to Planned Parenthood. Rounds says that Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest abortion services provider, is too political and state regulations prohibit political links on educational website, which would include the state library … Former First Lady Nancy Reagan, a supporter of embryonic stem cell research, endorsed pro-life Republican President George W. Bush‘s re-election bid over Senator John Kerry (D), a supporter of ESCR … Beer giant Coors announced that the company’s health plan will no longer cover the cost of abortion.


The Ontario Progressive Conservative Party leadership will be held Sept. 18. Two pro-life, pro-family candidates – former Harris-era cabinet ministers Jim Fhaherty and Frank Klees – will face pro-abortion and pro-gay “marriage” former Rogers CEO John ToryThe Christian Heritage Party ran 62 candidates in the June 28 federal election. That is 16 more than they ran in 2000 and just one less than it did in 1988 … Socially liberal Toronto Sun editor Lorrie Goldstein writes, “That while social attitudes are liberalizing over time, the idea that social conservatives represent only a handful of crazed right-wing lunatics is pure media myth” … The British Columbia Supreme Court awarded $60,000 to a woman whose child survived a botched abortion attempt at Prince George hospital. The money is to compensate for stress and lost income, but the judge said that, since the boy or girl was a source of joy to the mother, she would not get money for the child’s upkeep … It was revealed that the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce hosted a Gay Pride reception at this year’s gay pride parade in Toronto. CIBC chairman John Hunkin addressed the crowd claiming his company played a small role “in the legal battle for same-sex marriage,” describing how employee Joe Varnell and former employee Kevin Bourassa became the first legally “married” homosexual couple in the world … La Presse reports that Divers/Cite, the organizer of the Montreal Gay Pride, received $550,000 in federal, provincial and municipal subsidies, not to mention donations from private corporations such as Molson and Air Canada.


A Marie Stopes Inc. abortuary in Perth, Australia persuaded a neighbouring child care centre to erect a two-metre high wall so that women seeking abortions would not become upset by the sight and sound of children playing … Bolivia is considering permitting birth control. Introducing the Sexual Reproductive Rights bill, Julieta Montano said it would give all Bolivian citizens the “right” to exercise “a pleasurable and responsible freely decided sexuality” … Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, reiterated to the French magazine Le Figaro that Catholic politicians out of step with the Church on abortion should not receive communion: “A politician who takes a different position, which does not respect the image of God (in man) and the inviolability of the human person, is also in opposition to the rational elements of faith” … Italian Health Minister Girolamo Sirchia called abortion “murder” telling La Republica that “Before resorting to a violent and bloody act that suppresses a life, substantially murder, contrary to my morals, there are other ways to act. I accept it only if the woman’s health is in serious danger. I believe abortion to be a serious act, detrimental to the rights of the unborn child and to society”… Rocco Buttiglione, Italy’s pro-life Minister for European Affairs and former Professor of Philosophy, was named commissioner in charge of the Justice, Freedom and Security portfolio for the Commission. Buttiglione, who introduced pro-life legislation when Silvio Berlusconi returned to power there in 2001, is the only known pro-lifer among 24 new commissioners named to the EU Commission on August 12 … The Brazilian government plans to distribute 3 billion free condoms each year to help combat the country’s rising HIV rates even though numerous studies show that the easy availability of condoms statistically increases promiscuity and risk of contracting HIV. LifeSite Daily News reported that each of the 85 million citizens would get 35 condoms per year.