Feminist hijack education, population meetings

TURTLE BAY – A June 2011 paper from the Washington-based Heritage Foundation examined the difficulties raised by the radical feminists at UN Women, the United Nation’s feminist super agency. The organization was designed to take the place of several previous UN agencies to “hold the UN system accountable for its own commitments on gender equality.” UN Women is supposed to fight for women’s human rights, however, Saudi Arabia and Red China both have seats on the executive committee, despite a documented horrific record on human rights when it comes to women (sharia law in the Muslim kingdom and forced abortions in the Middle Kingdom). The Commission on the Status of Women was held this spring on the status women’s access to education and it focused on sexual education, neglecting subjects such as reading, mathematics, or computers. Radical feminists also dogged the Commission on Population and Development, as they worked to dissuade women from having large families by providing them with contraception. The Heritage Foundation said feminists seem to have missed the point of the meetings, as they turned commissions which were, in name at least, about education and population, into a forum to demand contraception for the poor, whether they wanted it or not.

Campaign to defund PP

WASHINGTON D.C. – The pro-life group Americans United for Life has launched an ambitious plan to tackle defunding Plan Parenthood. In a video, the AUL hopes to capitalize on the current political and economic environment to defund the abortion and contraceptive provider. The video’s narrator, AUL’s President Charmaine Yoest says, “unless we act now, Congress will simply assume the American people don’t care about taxpayer-subsidized abortion.” Planned Parenthood is responsible for 25 percent of the United States 1.21 million abortions. The House passed a defunding bill, but the Democratic leadership in the Senate is blocking any consideration of the issue in the chamber.