U.S. abortion rate declines
Virginia increases abortion biz regulations
Delaware to enforce waiting periods
PP commits nearly all Vermont abortions
Parental consent laws strengthened
U.S. abortion rate declines
WASHINGTON – According to the Knight-Ridder news service, the U.S. abortion rate has fallen to its lowest level in 29 years, a trend triggered, according to the pro-abortion Alan Guttmacher Institute, by the existence of fewer abortion facilities, pro-life laws at the state level and growing use of contraceptives. In 2000, there were 1.3 million abortions committed in the U.S., with one in five pregnancies ending in abortion.
Virginia increases abortion biz regulations
RICHMOND – A Virginia House of Delegates committee approved a pro-life bill that would toughen restrictions on abortion facilities, including requiring abortion businesses to have resuscitating equipment and registered nurses on hand. The bill would also provide for greater oversight of private abortuaries and require them to disclose their ownership. The impetus for the law was the recent death of an Alexandria, Va. woman after abortion-related complications. Governor Mark Warner (D) has signalled he may oppose the bill and Planned Parenthood advocates of Virginia said the bill “is the shutting down of abortion services in virtually all of the state.”
Delaware to enforce waiting periods
DOVER – Delaware will begin enforcing a 1979 law that mandates a 24-hour waiting period for abortions. New Attorney- General M. Jane Brady is the first A-G to believe the law is constitutional under Roe v. Wade. Brady said 18 states enforce waiting periods and that such laws have been effective in reducing the number of abortions. Bess McAneny, president of the Delaware Pro-Life Coalition, said a 24-hour waiting period is medically wise and does not impose an unnecessary hardship on women. Planned Parenthood of Delaware claims the provision will be “a serious obstacle for women seeking abortion.”
PP commits nearly all Vermont abortions
BURLINGTON – A study finds that Vermont women are having fewer abortions and that the abortion rate in the state is declining faster than the national rate. According to the pro-abortion Allan Guttmacher Institute, from 1992-2000, the abortion rate fell 27 per cent, compared to a national decline of five per cent. According to the Vermont Department of Health, four abortion facilities accounted for most of the 1,781 abortions, and 213 of these abortions were committed on girls younger than 18. Planned Parenthood Vermont brags that almost 85 per cent of abortions in the state are committed at its abortuaries.
Parental consent laws strengthened
ST. LOUIS – Missouri is considering strengthening its parental involvement laws to prevent minors from being transported across state lines with less-stringent abortion requirements. State senator John Loudon’s (R) bill will allow parents to sue anyone who “knowingly” helps a minor get an abortion without the required consent. Loudon said Illinois abortuaries “brazenly” violate Missouri’s law by advertising in the yellow pages that there is “no parental consent required in Illinois.”