Fetal tissue horror
The American IVF slaughter
Embryo stem cells no miracle cure
Suspected abortion-related death

Fetal tissue horror

NEW YORK – A trial involving the use of tissue from aborted fetuses to treat Parkinson’s disease has had the same catastrophic results for patients as a similar 2001 trial. This time, of 23 patients at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine that received transplants of aborted fetal tissue, 13 developed severe and uncontrollable movements.

The American IVF slaughter

NEW YORK – A study in The Journal of Fertility and Sterility, the official journal of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, boasts that the rate of live births per in-vitro fertilization attempts at pregnancy has increased from 10 per cent to 30 per cent since 1985. Still, approximately 170,000 human embryos created in 1999 died in the process of attempting to conceive a child via IVF.

Embryo stem cells no miracle cure

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Embryonic stem cell research pioneer John Gearhart, director of research for Johns Hopkins University’s Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, told the “Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Differentiation and Transplantation,” conference of the National Human Genome Research Institute: “I am not sure these (embryonic stem) cells are going to be used in therapies, but we are going to use the information we get out of this research to get the patient’s own cells and work with them to get them to do what we want. This is really where I see the future now.” The admission confirms the fears and predictions of pro-lifers who said that claims predicting miraculous cures from embryonic stem cell research were exaggerated and were a cover for a more nefarious plot to kill human embryos for research purposes.

Suspected abortion-related death

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Police are investigating the death of a 26-year-old woman who died while undergoing an unspecified “medical procedure” at a local abortuary, although the Landmark Women’s Centre is disputing the police account of the death. The woman died at a nearby hospital 40 minutes after paramedics attempted to rescue the woman at the facility. A police spokesman said, “When young, otherwise healthy people die, it’s considered a sudden death and we investigate that.” CNSNews.com confirmed that the facility does both surgical and chemical abortions utilizing the abortion drug RU-486.