Svend Robinson’s private Member’s bill, which aims to change the Criminal Code with regards to euthanasia, has been declared non-votable by a Parliamentary committee.  No official reasons have been given but Ottawa insiders suggest that further-reaching, Liberal-backed legislation will replace it.  ••••  American Life League predicts that President Clinton’s Fiscal Year 1995 budget for world population control will hit $585 million, a 16 per cent increase over 1994’s figure.  The contribution to the United Nations fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) would increase 50 per cent.  ••••  The American Conservative think-tank Rutherford Institute reports that Chinese hospital officials who allow women to escape the government’s forced abortion/sterilization policy are being sentenced to death.  The Clinton Administration, which economically supports the policy, has not spoken out against this atrocity.  ••••  Russia, which has one of the world’s highest abortion rates, is now experiencing a sharp decline in population.  Some reports say that Russian women average 4 or 5 abortions each.  Latest statistics show that last year deaths exceeded births by almost 800,000.  ••••  From our “only in America” files, Life Advocate reports that 12 members of the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians took part in the 20th annual March for Life in Washington.  ••••  The one positive outcome of the California earthquakes was that nine abortion facilities suffered extensive damage and were shut down for over a week.  So far, pro-lifers are not being blamed for the quake.