Meghan Markle’s Archetypes vaunts singlehood over marriage
Angelica Vecchiato: American-born British royal Meghan Markle’s new podcast Archetypes has been living up to its edgy name, comprehensively challenging the status quo and fighting pervasive feminine gender norms, all the while rippling sound-byte waves [...]
Ipsos Poll shows young Canadians less comfortable with abortion than their elders
Angelica Vecchiato: A recent Ipsos Reid poll suggested that younger Canadians are far less comfortable with abortion at any gestational age than their parents and grandparents. The survey noted that 50 per cent of young adults [...]
Dual nominations: A proposed solution to the western Canadian conservative conundrum
Mark Wegierski The Maverick Party (formerly the Wexit Party) is the federal Western separatist party readying to attack the Conservative flank in the next election. The Conservatives do not need an election, until they can [...]
The Burning of Canada’s Churches
Paul Tuns: I have a "Houses of Worship" column in the Wall Street Journal about "The Burning of Canada's Churches." It begins: It has been a difficult summer for Canada’s Christians. Over five days in late [...]
In search of new ‘cadres’ for a Canadian renewal
Can the mutual interests of the regions lead to a decentralized Canada? By Mark Wegierski Regionalization is a possible solution to Canada’s current-day crisis. Whether one calls them infrastructures or “cadres,” conservatives in Canada today [...]
Read these three articles about euthanasia
Paul Tuns I want to bring to your attention three articles written about euthanasia over the last few days that are all very important. The first is the always pertinent Wesley Smith, at NRO, with [...]