Joe Campbell is a very funny writer, but our Light is Right columnist had reservations about tackling abortion directly. That is understandabe; the topic does not easily lend itself to laugh-lines and comic asides. I think Campbell hit a homerun of a column this month in “Parsing ‘pro-choice’ prose,” which shreds the rhetoric and arguments of abortion advocates. A sample:

Maybe rights depend on location, and carry less weight inside the womb than outside. If so, it seems like a novel approach to justice. In human rights law, place, like race, is a prohibited ground for discrimination. Like racism, placism stands out in the lexicon of secular sins.

I guess pro-choicers haven’t noticed it yet, even though many have finally noticed that the products of conception are children. Why, some who abort hold ceremonies to mark their passing. Others arrange to get a lock of their hair or a print of their hands or feet. Still others post love notes, assuring the little ones that the abortion is in their best interest. It’s nothing personal. They just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. No doubt the unborn find this comforting.

Read the whole column.