Ezra Levant has a dozen posts on Jennifer Lynch and Richard Moon’s testimony to the Parliamentary Human Rights and Justice Committee starting with “Jennifer Lynch’s testimony to the Justice Committee: a study in evasion.” Jay Currie live-blogged the human rights commission industry defending itself with more than a dozen posts. Blazing Cat Fur has comment and links. CHRC commisar Lynch has posted her testimony on the Canadian Human Rights Commission website.

Don Hutchinson of the Center for Faith and Public Life has a post on the case of a Minnesota man who will not face charges after encouraging an 18-year-old student at Carleton University to commit suicide during an internet chat.

Ivan Kenneally writes in the Weekly Standard that Obamacare will result in federally funded abortion.

Jill Stanek writes about the Genocide Awareness Project at liberal Berkeley Univeristy.

The Wall Street Journal reports that German research finds animal offspring raised by one parent where typically there are two, suffer physiological problems in brain development. You always have to be careful transfering such animal research to humans, but it does seem to confirm ancient wisdom about the importance of having both parents involved in their children’s lives.

Elaine Donnelly says the media has been less than honest in her Townhall.com column, “Media Spins ‘Pentagon’ Support for Gays in the Military”