WorldNetDaily and the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review both report on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals throwing out a Pittsburgh ordinance that created both a bubble and buffer zone around abortion facilities in the city. The Court ruled the expansive prohibitions violated the free speech rights of pro-life sidewalk counselors. The Alliance Defense Fund, which represented Mary Kathryn Brown, a pro-life nurse and sidewalk counselor who challenged the law, celebrates the “precedent-setting” decision.
Vital Signs reports that Nebraska’s ultrasound law is leading more women to pro-life crisis pregnancy counselling centers.
No Apologies has a report on the ECP Centre’s Family and Freedom Conference in Burlington.
American Life League notes that a Planned Parenthood endorsement was the kiss of death in yesterday’s gubernatorial and Congressional races.
At Human Events, Alicia Cohn has a round-up of ballot initiatives of interest to social conservatives.
National Post columnist Barbara Kay addresses Steven Fletcher’s NaPo column on euthanasia, which we examined in depth here.