reports on the Life Canada-sponsored Environics poll that shows a majority of Canadians oppose the country’s regime of abortion-on-demand.

CNN reports that Spain moves closer to broadening their abortion law.

The Catholic Register reports on the sixth annual medical student forum put on by Canadian Physicians for Life.

Jill Stanek noted that Barack Obama’s Thanksgiving Proclamation was essentially cribbed from George Bush with one important difference: allusion to life were removed.

John Henry-Westen of interviewed the Duluth pro-lifer who was threatened with a knife.

The C.D. Howe Institute has released a study on the problems of aging in the Maritimes: “Demographic Headwinds Threaten Atlantic Canada Economies: C.D. Howe Institute.”

According to a new report, the 2009 AIDS Epidemic Update, from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World Health Organization, reports that worldwide new cases of HIV are down by 17 per cent from 2001. New Scientist has news coverage.

This makes the rounds fairly often, but it is worth noting that global warming is responsible for everything. (via Jonah Goldberg) The catalyst for this reminder is that Goldberg links to a story about climate change driving women to prostitution.