Denise Burke writes about “Obama Administration Ups Anti-Life “Ante” on Bioethics” at the Americans United for Life blog, looking at Barack Obama establishing the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues and the National Institutes of Health approval of $21 million for research on 21 embryonic stem cell lines. reports that Rev. Carlton Veazy, president and CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, says abortion is a “God-given right.” Le Shawn Barber reacts.
Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser has a column at “Real Common Ground: Keep Abortion Out of Health Care.”
The Family Research Council has released a new report authored by Patrick F. Fagan: “The effects of pornography on individuals, marriage, family and community.”
Carolyn Moynihan has a post at Family Edge entitled, “‘I was never your father’ — DNA testing and what it can do to children,” about the tragedy of losing a father, twice. and the New York Times have reports on the New York state senate voting down same-sex ‘marriage’.
Ezra Levant has a post and videos of his presentation about censorship to the Vancouver Jewish book festival.