This press release was issued earlier today by Conservative MP Leon Benoit (Vegreville-Wainright).

Benoit urges Parliament to condemn gender-selection abortion

OTTAWA  (07 November 2014)  – Leon Benoit, Member of Parliament for Vegreville-Wainwright, made the following statement in the House of Commons on November 6th, 2014.

 In light of the 85th anniversary of the Persons Case I acknowledge the many Canadians who are working to ensure that all human beings are recognized in law. 

 Mr. Speaker, Canada truly is among the world’s elite when it comes to valuing and protecting human rights. Except, we are one of only three countries in the world with no legal protection for children before birth. 

 Sadly, this includes unborn babies, who are eliminated, who have their precious lives ended, just because they are girls.

 Britain knows it’s wrong – their Parliament declared sex-selection abortions illegal in a 181-1 vote.

 Mr. Speaker, Canada can fix this too.  Let’s start by having this Parliament condemn gender selection abortion.

 And what better day to do that than on “Persons Day”?

 As Dr. Suess once said, “A person’s a person, no matter how small!”