Andrea Mrozek reports on a presentation given by a pollster at the Manning Networking Conference this past weekend:
[T]he pollster identified that abortion falls into the quadrant of issues that the Conservatives don’t care about and Canadians don’t care about. Ie. It’s not an issue the Government should be raising.
I was sitting next to a pro-life friend and she asked, “do you think that’s true?”
I do. And I think it’s important for pro-life Canadians to be aware of this. We need a major cultural shift before this is going to be a politically saleable issue.
That said, politics, I believe, or what might be termed “political activity” in a certain capacity, can also be a way of changing the culture. Politics, including the distasteful shenanigans that happen on the Hill, is part of our culture …
The culture-politics dichotomy has a way of obscuring that while these are indeed different realms, they are not separate realms and that they influence each other. Politics doesn’t happen in a vacuum, but culture is also affected by laws and the debate that take place in the political arena. Changing the culture/winning in politics isn’t either/or.