On October 13 and October 30, there will be defund abortion rallies in Ontario. On Saturday, October 13 at 11 am, there will be mini-rallies at the riding level at the constitutuency offices of the MPPs. On Tuesday, October 30 from noon to 2pm, there will be a massive Defund Abortion rally at Queen’s Park. Alissa Golob of Campaign Life Coalition Youth and organizer of the events explains the reason why her organization has the defund campaign: “We have been forced to aid and abet in the killing of preborn children for far too long.” Most Ontarians do not want their taxpayer dollars going to fund abortions. But action is needed so politicians get that message.
This link has info on how to contact CLCY for more information about the local mini-rallies. Not every riding has an organizer, so there might not yet be an event planned for your riding, but perhaps the local organizer can by you. CLCY will provide signs, promotional posters, speeches, and everything else you will need.
Please note you do not have to be a youth to participate or organize.