Newt Gingrich on Meet the Press:
The Democratic Party plank on abortion is the most extreme plank in the United States. The president of the United States voted three times to protect the right of doctors to kill babies who came out of an abortion still alive. That plank says tax-paid abortion at any moment, meaning partial-birth abortion. That’s a 20 percent issue. The vast majority of women do not believe that taxpayers should pay to abort a child in the eighth or ninth month. Now why isn’t it shocking that the Democrats on the social issue of abortion have taken the most extreme position in this country, and they couldn’t defend that position for a day if it was made clear and vivid, as vivid as all the effort is made to paint Republicans.
Thomas Friedman of the New York Times chimed in: “I’m a Planned Parenthood Democrat on the issue of choice.” Gingrich responded:
So, you think it’s acceptable to have a party committed to tax-paid abortion in the eighth and ninth month? And you think that’s a sustainable position in the United States? If the news media spent as much time on the extremism of the Democrats as they spend trying to attack us, they would not be able to adopt that plank this week.
To the Party of Death and the pro-abortion media, being moderate and pro-choice means supporting taxpayer-funded abortion for all nine months of pregnancy and anything less than that is somehow not pro-choice and pointing out this extreme position is itself extreme.