This is essentially a how-to search and destroy manual in The Guardian, and it bothers me greatly:

It’s recommended that all women in England and Wales are offered a combination of tests to screen for Down’s syndrome. The tests should be offered early in pregnancy, between week 11 and the end of week 13, although a slightly different set of tests can be done later on if necessary.

You should be offered a nuchal translucency ultrasound scan, which looks for fluid under the skin at the back of a baby’s neck, and a blood test to check for two different chemicals. Results from all three tests are combined to give your overall risk of a Down’s pregnancy.

Being told you have a high-risk pregnancy means your chances of having a baby with Down’s are between 1 in 2 and 1 in 249. If this applies to you, you’ll be offered further tests, such as amniocentesis, to give you a definite answer. These tests have a roughly 1 in 100 risk of causing a miscarriage.

If you are told your baby has Down’s syndrome, you’ll need to decide whether to continue with the pregnancy. This difficult decision is one that only you and your family can make. Your doctors and midwives should respect your decision and support you in whichever choice you make.

Considering how often this story pops up in English dailies, the British must really, really hate children with Down’s Syndrome.

HT to PWPL where Brigitte Pellerin says:

Talking about women who are “at risk” or “at high risk” of having a child with Down’s syndrome takes for granted that having a child born with the condition is an unmitigated bad thing.