Recent stories and editorials that relate the human rights commission industry that have appeared in recent years in The Interim, and we also published The Tyranny of Nice: How Canada Crushed Freedom in the Name of Human Rights (And Why It Matters to Americans) by Kathy Shaidle and Pete Vere, which can also be purchased in the United States from the Conservative Book Club or Mark Steyn (or wrote the introduction).

“HRC industry is becoming ever more irrelevant,” by Kathy Shaidle (November 2009)

“Peterborough bishop responds to human rights complaint,” by Patrick Craine (October 2009)

“Free us from the human rights commissions,” by Rory Leishman (September 2009)

“The HRC’s only ally” — February 2009 editorial

Q&A with Ezra Levant by Paul Tuns (January 2009)

“Ezra Levant: Person of the Year,” by Kathy Shaidle (January 2009)

“Censorship rebuked …” — January 2009 editorial

“Human rights tribunals — curb ’em or close ’em,” by Paul Tuns (February 2008)

“Freedom of Canadians on trial in my case,” by Ezra Levant (February 2008)

“Human rights and wrongs” — February 2008 editorial